Walter Belik
Walter Belik is Full Professor of Economics at UNICAMP - University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil. He is Ph.D. and M.S. in Agriculture Economics, B.A. in Business Administration, developing studies on agroprocessing for food and bioenergy. Prof. Belik was Visiting Fellow in ILAS, University College, London, in 1993, in the Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, in 2003 and Guest Lecturer at University of Kassel, Germany. He was Coordinator of Center for Studies and Research on Food (NEPA) at UNICAMP, Brazil, for five years. During this period, NEPA developed the first official national food nutritional composition table of Brazil. He was one of the coordinators of Zero Hunger Project, a wide academic research that turned into public policy in Brazil from 2003. During the period 2003-07 he was member of the National Council for Food Security and Nutrition. Also, Zero Hunger was the inspiration for the Initiative Latin America and Caribbean without Hunger, project based on FAO regional office (Santiago, Chile), which was coordinated by him from 2007. In the academic field, Prof. Belik has published more than 200 national and international articles, books, chapters and short texts. Since 2013 Prof. Belik is member of High Level Panel of Experts from the Committee on World Food Security. As voluntary, he was Director of Confucius Institute at Unicamp (China Academic and Cultural Center) and is still member of the council of “Prato Cheio” Food Bank in Sao Paulo